Gail Perry Treks
Speaker, Author, Travel and Trekking Expert.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Gail Perry is an avid hiker, travel writer and speaker, inspiring others to walk their way into epic adventures.
Her expertise includes the immersive travel experience of multi-day hut-to-hut and inn-to-inn hiking where long-distance trails weave through distinctive landscapes, offering lodging options along the way so backpacking and camping aren’t required.
Some countries are known for hut-to-hut hiking. New Zealand, for example, has the Great Walks, Spain has the Camino de Santiago, and Italy has the Alta Via, all complete with accommodations that range from rifugi to resorts.
But there‘s more, much more. Many countries, in fact, are grooming their trails, building resources, and inviting travelers to see their land and enjoy their culture one step at a time. Hut-to-hut hiking is becoming surprisingly accessible, combining challenge and comfort to form unforgettable trips for people of all ages and interests.
“I was mesmerized by the photos Gail showed and the experiences she’s had. I’ve traveled to some of the countries she spoke about, but didn’t know what I was missing! What an amazing presentation.”
— Sheila Brennan
Watch additional videos on hiking holidays on Gail’s YouTube channel.
Start by adding 500 steps
Did you know that walking strengthens more than half your body muscles, your heart and your lungs? Research also shows that walking — especially outdoors — reduces stress, stimulates ideas, and brightens your perspective. Walking is simply one of the best things you can do for your overall wellbeing.
You gain measurable health benefits by adding a mere 500 steps to your day, and with every 1,000 steps, health outcomes improve in all areas (dementia, heart disease, cancer, etc.).
Check out these sources for inspiration:
Thank you! I’ll be in touch soon!